Mayo Islands – A funding call for Tourism Accommodation & Ancillary Services: closing date 24th February 2017

Mayo Islands – A funding call for Tourism Accommodation & Ancillary Services – Closing date 24th February 2017

Estimated Accommodation Funding Call Timeline:

January 30th   

Advertisement in Mayo News, Connaught Telegraph, Facebook, Twitter, all company websites


Letter to existing accommodation EOIs Re: Funding call criteria & additional information form will be sent to current submitted EOIs.

Closing Date for receipt of complete Expression of Interest (EOI) and Tourism Accommodation Funding Call Information Form. (24 Feb 2017) 


Decision on EOI by post or email (31 March 2017)


Meet Project Officer and prepare application. 4 months to develop application and business plan.


Closing date for Accommodation Funding Call applications.


Competitive Project Evaluation based on the criteria set out in this document. Mayo Local Action Group Decision on Accommodation Funding Call.


Successful promoters Sign Funding Contracts.

Mayo Local Action Group (Mayo LAG) are now advertising our Tourism Accommodation Funding Call. This Funding Call falls under the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) 2014 – 2020.

A total €350,000 will be awarded under this funding call. Details of the grant rates available are in the table below. This funding call is not limited to large applications seeking the maximum grant rate. Smaller projects may also apply.

The call sets out to encourage innovation and support the sustainable development of tourism accommodation and accommodation experiences throughout Mayo.

Tourism Accommodation Grant rates:

Applicant Type Grant Rate Max Grant Amount


Private Applications on Islands








Community Applications on Islands






Accommodation Funding Call Criteria

Applications for funding under this Call must clearly demonstrate the capacity of the proposed accommodation project to deliver on the following six development outcomes:

  1. Innovation and new tourism product development:

Will the proposed investment by Mayo LAG deliver new accommodation experiences for which there is demonstrable visitor demand? One of the objectives of this funding call is to be a catalyst for the development of new and preferably innovative accommodation experiences.

  1. Accommodation Gaps: Will the project fill an accommodation gap / need in the area, increasing visitor capacity overall and distributing visitor traffic and spend?
  1. Benefits to environment: Does the project offer more sustainable visitor accommodation solutions to the benefit of environmental assets underpinning tourism in the area?
  1. Increasing visitor spend: Will the proposed development lead to an increase in the number of international and domestic visitors to the tourism business or to the length of time they spend in the surrounding area? What is the likely impact of that increase in terms of additional visitor spending in the area?
  1. Creation of employment opportunities in tourism and hospitality: Will the proposed development directly or indirectly create or sustain employment in the area? 
  1. Financial sustainability: Will the proposed development be capable of generating or otherwise covering reinvestment requirements into the future and be financially sustainable?

Applicants for funding under this Call must complete and submit;

1) An Expression of Interest Form (EOI)

2) Tourism Accommodation Funding Call Information Form.

If you have already submitted an Expression of Interest, you need only complete and submit the Tourism Accommodation Funding Call Information Form.

Ineligible Accommodation Projects

1 Accommodation based in the town planning areas of Claremorris, Ballinrobe, Ballina, Castlebar and Westport. Please contact your Local Development Company if you are unsure about the location of your project.
2 Hotels
3 New build accommodations including B&B, Self-catering and Hostels

Important Project Considerations

1 Planning permission is a funding requirement. We advise all applicants to have a preplanning guidance meeting with their local Mayo County Council planner.
2 Any project which may cause displacement of existing accommodation providers may not be funded.
3 Applicants that are not tax compliant are not eligible and applicants will be required to demonstrate evidence of tax compliance at application stage.
4 Applicants that are not in a position to establish that they either (a) own the project site or (b) have the right to undertake the proposed project on the identified site may not be funded.