Targeted Call 18/04/17 – 12/05/17

Mayo Islands – A funding call for Rural Youth (aged 15-35):  18 April 2017 – 12 May 2017

LEADER closed call for Sub Theme 2: Social Inclusion.


Mayo Local Action Group for LEADER invites Expression of interest of (EOI) under Objective 6 of the Local Development Strategy to support strategic interventions to provide services and facilities for young people. The sub-theme which is the basis of this targeted call is for project proposals, focuses on the capital investment in youth clubs/cafes and arts.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • address mental health issues (stress, peer pressure and substance misuse);
  • illustrate the need for sustainable and adequately resourced youth facilities;
  • help combat racism and the exclusion of young people from decision making;
  • improve life chances for young people in rural areas by developing and facilitating access to economic, community and personal development opportunities and by building social capital;
  • provides access to safe spaces for young people to socialise, find support and/or get involved in community, arts, entrepreneurial and personal development activities;
  • enable the provision of youth clubs/cafés; improved access to ICT and arts-based projects;
  • facilitate the involvement of young people in the design, development and management of youth services and facilities
  • are in areas of the greatest need or social disadvantage;
  • provide for a balanced approach in terms of geography and location; and
  • are economically, financially and socially viable.

Overall budget:                           € 182,694.00                      

What can be funded?                   

  • Development of a new youth facility.
  • Upgrading and or extension of an existing facility (examples include youth clubs/cafés; improved access to ICT and arts-based projects).

What can’t be funded?                

  • Projects with other sources of available funding.
  • Projects that could displace existing facilities.
  • Projects that do not display a capacity to meet future running costs for maintenance of the facility and adequate public liability insurance.
  • Recreational activities and sports facilities such as skating parks MUGA’s etc.

Who can be funded?                    

Community & voluntary groups and organisations.                                                

Levels of funding:                                          

Application Type Grant Rate Maximum Funding
Community 75% €50,000.00
Islands Community 75% €62,500.00
Community* 90% €50,000.00

*Higher maximum rates of aid may be applied for community body or applicant up to 90% if the applicant can show that they suffer from significant deprivation and social exclusion [Promoters applying for this level of funding must provide evidence that the project is located in an area of significant social and economic deprivation The use of this aid rate will be carefully monitored and the interpretation of this sub-theme will be strictly applied].

Application process:                      There is a two stage process:

Stage 1: Complete the “Expression of Interest” form to determine if your proposal meets the objectives of the County Mayo Local Development Strategy and complies with the LEADER Programme Operating Rules.

Stage 2: Applications that are successful at Stage 1 will be invited to submit a full application with the required supporting documentation. Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a competitive process with limited funding.

Assessment Criteria Weighting
1 Compatibility with Local Development Strategy 20
2 Promoter Capacity 10
3 Financial Viability/Sustainability 15
4 Need and requirement for project 15
5 Innovative, environment and & climate change elements 10
6 Social/Cultural/Economic/ Environmental Impacts 20
7 Priority Area/Area of Disadvantage 10
Total Score 100
Note: A score of 65 is required to progress the project to approval stage. 1-6 must score 50{41e4ab157e43fda79ada3b6a4c12382c5f71cebddea57f934fc43e85ce3989be} under each individual assessment criteria.

Proposed timeline:

Application process

EOI Stage 1                        

Rural Youth Facilities call opens on 18 April 2017.

Closing date for EOIs 12 May 2017.

EOI applicants informed of outcomes by the 17 May 2017.

Application Form Stage 2            

Closing date for application form 15 September 2017.

Who do I contact?   On the Mayo Islands?

Company Name Email Phone
Comhar na nOiléan CTR [email protected]

[email protected]

095 45016

099 75096

Mayo Islands – A funding call for Basic services targeted at hard to reach communities – Playgrounds:  18 April 2017 – 12 May 2017

LEADER closed call for Sub Theme 2: Social Inclusion.


Mayo Local Action Group for LEADER invites Expression of interest of (EOI) under Objective 5 of the Local Development Strategy to support the development of community facilities for targeted services for hard to reach communities. The sub-theme focuses on improving access to basic services for people living in rural and remote areas and groups who are at risk of social exclusion. Funding under this call will be allocated to projects that support capital investment for the development and enhancement of playgrounds

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • The areas of the greatest need or social disadvantage
  • A balanced approach in terms of geography and location
  • Projects must be economically, financially and socially viable

Overall budget:                           € 422,247.00                     

What can be funded?                   

  • Development of a new playground facility.
  • Upgrading and or extension of an existing facility.

What can’t be funded?                

  • Projects with other sources of available funding.
  • Work that fall under the remit of Mayo County Council.
  • Projects that could displace existing facilities.
  • Projects that do not display a capacity to meet future running costs for the maintenance of the facility and provide adequate public liability insurance.

Who can be funded?                    

Community & voluntary groups and organisations.                                                


There are two Standards that proposed multi use playground facilities must adhere to namely, I.S. EN1176 and I.S. EN1177.

I.S. EN1176

  • General safety requirements and test methods
  • Additional specific requirements and test methods for swings
  • Additional specific requirements and test methods for slides
  • Additional specific requirements and test methods for runways
  • Additional specific requirements and test methods for carousels
  • Additional specific requirements and test methods for rocking Equipment
  • Installation, inspection, maintenance and operation

I.S. EN 1177

  • This standard relates to Impact absorbing playground surfacing – safety requirements and test methods

Levels of funding:                                          

Application Type Grant Rate Maximum Funding
Community 75% €75,000.00
Islands Community 75% €93,750.00
Community* 90% €75,000.00

*Higher maximum rates of aid may be applied for community body or applicant up to 90% if the applicant can show that they suffer from significant deprivation and social exclusion [Promoters applying for this level of funding must provide evidence that the project is located in an area of significant social and economic deprivation The use of this aid rate will be carefully monitored and the interpretation of this sub-theme will be strictly applied].

Application process:                      There is a two stage process:

Stage 1: Complete the “Expression of Interest” form to determine if your proposal meets the objectives of the County Mayo Local Development Strategy and complies with the LEADER Programme Operating Rules.

Stage 2: Applications that are successful at Stage 1 will be invited to submit a full application with the required supporting documentation. Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a competitive process with limited funding.

Assessment Criteria Weighting
1 Compatibility with Local Development Strategy 20
2 Promoter Capacity 10
3 Financial Viability/Sustainability 15
4 Need and requirement for project 15
5 Innovative, environment and & climate change elements 10
6 Social/Cultural/Economic/ Environmental Impacts 20
7 Priority Area/Area of Disadvantage 10
Total Score 100
Note: A score of 65 is required to progress the project to approval stage. 1-6 must score 50{41e4ab157e43fda79ada3b6a4c12382c5f71cebddea57f934fc43e85ce3989be} under each individual assessment criteria.

Proposed timeline:

Application process

EOI Stage 1                        

Playgrounds call opens on 18 April 2017.

Closing date for EOIs 12 May 2017.

EOI applicants informed of outcomes by the 17 May 2017.

Application Form Stage 2            

Closing date for application form 15 September 2017.